I love my job. It's not a high powered executive job with the benefits of a picture window overlooking miles and miles of skyscrapers nor will it make me a millionaire; it doesn't make me a person of influence whereby to know me is to have a ticket to move one step up in life; it's definitely not glamourous and it sure takes up a lot of time and tests your patience. Health benefits? Well, does feeling good watching God transform lives count as a health benefit? I honestly don't know that I can do anything else after having God as my boss. It's a job that is so worth it, so tiring on the body and mind at times but so absolutely amazingly worth it to see people's lives get transformed by the redeeming love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Before we went out last Monday night, God gave me Psalms 121. As soon as I read it, I knew something was going to happen but we would be covered. No worries. I was on my own with 2 other girls from the team, no guys out with us that night. And everything that could possibly happen, happened. Kinda funny actually. Everything was normal until we went up to where the women were. As soon as we got off the bus, it felt really oppressive and heavy. We greeted the women, and Carmen and Elizabeth stayed with the main group of women to talk to them while I went on further with some sandwiches to see if there were any women at the end of the block. When I got to the end of the block, there wasn't anyone there and I was about to walk back up to where everyone was when I decided to turn back to look again. As soon as I turned and walked back to look, I heard this really loud explosive noise of glass shattering behind me and saw this tall man running in my direction with all these glass shards flying in every direction just behind him. I thought some drunk had thrown a bottle down from one of the rooms above and was just glad that I had felt to turn around instead of walk back to where the women were as I had started to do, because had I done that, I would have been hit by shards of glass. When it was all clear, I walked back to where the women were and saw some of them running towards me with FY leading them looking really frazzled. I asked if she was ok and she said yeah and shrugged me off. They stopped a cop car that was patrolling the area and the tall man who had been running from the glass bottle shards was suddenly being questioned by the cops.
It turned out that the tall man was a robber who had posed as a client to FY and had ended up robbing and beating her. She had chased after him and thrown the bottle at him and because the cops were there, the guy got caught and had to return the stuff he had stolen from her. However, since she was not of reputable character, he got off free. Carmen, Elizabeth and I stayed on to talk to FY and some other women after, and while Carmen and Elizabeth prayed for one of the women, I paced behind them interceding. The atmosphere was really heavy, heavier than it had ever been before. While I was interceding, two men came up to where the women were and started talking to them. One started flashing his gun at them and Carmen saw and motioned me aside to let me know. We motioned for Elizabeth to leave and left but not before warning FY to go home because we did not know if the guy with the gun was a friend of the thief who had attempted to rob her. We found out the next day that nothing happened, thank God.
On the discipling front, we are going forward step by step with EM and LJP. The Holy Spirit has been touching and convicting EM more and more to completely leave the streets. She told me today that she is going to take the step no matter what hapens because she is going to trust God. God's lesson for her today was about restoration. That He will restore all and more that she had lost when she follows Him completely. She eagerly wrote down the verses and passages. LJP is fighting hard against the dirty ways of the enemy. The stuff the enemy has been throwing at him is ridiculous. But he keeps going and believing in God to have complete victory. God keeps telling me He has a hold of LJP and that LJP belongs to the Lord. I take heart in that as we keep counseling him and teaching Him about the Lord and the Word.
We need your prayers. Your intercession. These two, EM and LJP, have a huge purpose in the Lord and they both know it so please intercede for them. Right now, EM needs to overcome fear to leave the only thing she knows how to do to earn money and LJP needs God's favour to move men as in the Judge and the police to extend pardon to him. He needs to go to the police station to sign in every month just to demonstrate that he is complying with the law and not in hiding but like most of the street guys, while he was on the streets, he didn't go and sign in for the last 3 months. If he gets questioned on the streets he can be taken directly to jail. He told us this today so we went to the police station but it's something his parents need to do for him, to explain his situation, tell them he is off the streets and ask for pardon for him not signing in for the last 3 months. So, please pray for God's favour to be extended to the cops and all involved in this scenario. Thank you.
My job is definitely not boring. It has all the elements of an epic movie. And just like in any epic movie, good triumphs over evil. So too, are we seeing and will see victory upon victory in the lives of those for whom God is battling. Light will push back the darkness.
Before we went out last Monday night, God gave me Psalms 121. As soon as I read it, I knew something was going to happen but we would be covered. No worries. I was on my own with 2 other girls from the team, no guys out with us that night. And everything that could possibly happen, happened. Kinda funny actually. Everything was normal until we went up to where the women were. As soon as we got off the bus, it felt really oppressive and heavy. We greeted the women, and Carmen and Elizabeth stayed with the main group of women to talk to them while I went on further with some sandwiches to see if there were any women at the end of the block. When I got to the end of the block, there wasn't anyone there and I was about to walk back up to where everyone was when I decided to turn back to look again. As soon as I turned and walked back to look, I heard this really loud explosive noise of glass shattering behind me and saw this tall man running in my direction with all these glass shards flying in every direction just behind him. I thought some drunk had thrown a bottle down from one of the rooms above and was just glad that I had felt to turn around instead of walk back to where the women were as I had started to do, because had I done that, I would have been hit by shards of glass. When it was all clear, I walked back to where the women were and saw some of them running towards me with FY leading them looking really frazzled. I asked if she was ok and she said yeah and shrugged me off. They stopped a cop car that was patrolling the area and the tall man who had been running from the glass bottle shards was suddenly being questioned by the cops.
It turned out that the tall man was a robber who had posed as a client to FY and had ended up robbing and beating her. She had chased after him and thrown the bottle at him and because the cops were there, the guy got caught and had to return the stuff he had stolen from her. However, since she was not of reputable character, he got off free. Carmen, Elizabeth and I stayed on to talk to FY and some other women after, and while Carmen and Elizabeth prayed for one of the women, I paced behind them interceding. The atmosphere was really heavy, heavier than it had ever been before. While I was interceding, two men came up to where the women were and started talking to them. One started flashing his gun at them and Carmen saw and motioned me aside to let me know. We motioned for Elizabeth to leave and left but not before warning FY to go home because we did not know if the guy with the gun was a friend of the thief who had attempted to rob her. We found out the next day that nothing happened, thank God.
On the discipling front, we are going forward step by step with EM and LJP. The Holy Spirit has been touching and convicting EM more and more to completely leave the streets. She told me today that she is going to take the step no matter what hapens because she is going to trust God. God's lesson for her today was about restoration. That He will restore all and more that she had lost when she follows Him completely. She eagerly wrote down the verses and passages. LJP is fighting hard against the dirty ways of the enemy. The stuff the enemy has been throwing at him is ridiculous. But he keeps going and believing in God to have complete victory. God keeps telling me He has a hold of LJP and that LJP belongs to the Lord. I take heart in that as we keep counseling him and teaching Him about the Lord and the Word.
We need your prayers. Your intercession. These two, EM and LJP, have a huge purpose in the Lord and they both know it so please intercede for them. Right now, EM needs to overcome fear to leave the only thing she knows how to do to earn money and LJP needs God's favour to move men as in the Judge and the police to extend pardon to him. He needs to go to the police station to sign in every month just to demonstrate that he is complying with the law and not in hiding but like most of the street guys, while he was on the streets, he didn't go and sign in for the last 3 months. If he gets questioned on the streets he can be taken directly to jail. He told us this today so we went to the police station but it's something his parents need to do for him, to explain his situation, tell them he is off the streets and ask for pardon for him not signing in for the last 3 months. So, please pray for God's favour to be extended to the cops and all involved in this scenario. Thank you.
My job is definitely not boring. It has all the elements of an epic movie. And just like in any epic movie, good triumphs over evil. So too, are we seeing and will see victory upon victory in the lives of those for whom God is battling. Light will push back the darkness.