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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Talking Nice

Sometimes we have to be hard to be kind. Sometimes we have to stop mollycoddling so that people can grow and start taking responsibility for themselves. Oftentimes we don't do that. We think we have to be all "Christian-like" and be all gooshy smooshy and let people do what they shouldn't do because we think that is showing them that we are Christlike. 

Sin kills. Sometimes we water down the part that says the wages of sin is death. Sometimes we want to gloss over it and pretend that it really doesn't kill. I see the result of that verse. The wages of sin is death and too many play with it, like a child plays with matches and lights them without weighing the consequences. Can we say then, that we are like children? Oblivious to the dangers? Some of us, perhaps. Not all. Many of us know that we flirt with death and we play the game of Russian Roulette thinking that it will not touch us. And when it does, it's too late. 

Whoa, you might say. Girl, you're supposed to talk NICE. You're supposed to be dishing out how everyone is valued and loved. What is all this talk about sin? Sin tells us we're doing something bad. I don't want to hear that. I want to hear the good parts. 

The good part is this: Dude, we're all going down cos we're all doing something bad (yes, that thing called sin!) and yes, we were all created with a purpose in our lives. But, we ain't gonna get to our purpose or accomplish it if we keep on going down the wrong road doing the wrong things. The good part is that we can all get cleaned. Our bad record can be erased from the archives of the CIA and FBI on high. How? We need to believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives. 

Cool, I done that, you can say. But I still like my badness, I still like my crack. My coke. My friends do it, girl, I gotta hang with my homies, ya know. Yeah man, selling my body ain't that bad either cos it's easy and I get fast cash. So, you say, the wages of sin is death? It don't apply to me, girl. I got there Jesus man in my life now. 

Dude, there's something called C-O-N-S-Q-U-E-N-C-E-S. Jesus will keep cleaning you up, will keep forgiving you. But what you keep on doing, the badness, that thing called sin; that will bring consequences upon yourself. You can O.D. Guess what, that means you die. Or you get AIDS, or you get beaten to death by some pusher or john. 

You got Jesus in your life. That's a great decision. 

Now, turn from the sin. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Dude, you have to take the initiative. You have to stop sinning. And turn towards Jesus. Completely. Because, the wages of sin is death and you know what bro? 

The devil is out to rob, kill and destroy you and yours. And he will succeed because unless you turn away from sinning, you are giving him total access to do what he wants to do in your life.

If you die, you will never have accomplished your purpose. 

If you are constantly returning to prostitution or drugs, you will never accomplish your purpose. 

The wages of sin is death. 

Dude, I'm talking nice. Because I want you to choose life. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nothing Stays The Same Forever

It was only a matter of time. Darkness always needs to feed off itself to grow. And it was no exception here. In the world of vice, there are no friends. There are companions who will play at being friends when all is convenient but when the tide turns, beware the ides of march....

"Et tu Brute?" asked Julius Caesar to Brutus as his friend stabbed him. The women who work the streets have long told me they are friends, that they stick together. That was one of the main reasons EM kept going down to work from time to time; she said she missed the chatter and the friendship. Last week, so-called friendship went out the window when two women had a fight and one cut the other in the face. The good things that resulted from this are 1) the violence has caused the store owners to have the cops come and constantly get the women off the streets so that when we went down last Monday, there was not one woman in sight. 2) EM is sufficiently scared now to not go down anymore and to start going to church. On the other side of town, another woman who work the streets asked Jesus into her life. 

Nothing stays the same forever and that's no exception with JP's family. His mom bought her piece of land and moved the family. JP did not want to go as that would mean he had to leave behind his friends so he opted to go back to living on the streets and his old life. He had actually been clean for two weeks after a long lapse back into drugs. Meanwhile, his older brother who lives with his girlfriend and his child tried to manipulate their mother to make her stay close to him and not move by threatening to go back to doing drugs. He has also returned to the streets, and his old life. 

There comes a point when we have to let go. People are offered choices, options and a way out and it depends on them what they choose to do. We have offered everyone we have come into contact with, the same message, the same love, the same offer of time for them, the same help. Some, like JP's mom and aunt, have grown and keep wanting to grow in the Lord and move in faith. Some, like EM want to change and move forward but still need to have their hand held and be pushed forward a little. And some, like JP and his brother, want changes without them having to make any changes for themselves. 

For those who are now going to church and growing, we let them go so that they can grow more.  

For those who have returned to their old lives, we let them go because they have chosen their paths after knowing the truth. 

For the ones we are still walking with, we hold them lightly, ready to let them take flight and go when they are ready to fly.

We may not be able to help some of them anymore but the only one thing we are certain is that God will never leave them nor abandon them.