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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Know The Truth And It Shall Set You Free

I'm physically tired. Been needing a night guard (bruxism guard) for a while as I grind my teeth while sleeping and I haven't changed my night guard for about 6 years and half of the acrylic has been eaten off by me and now, I'm feeling the consequences of that. My next appointment with the dentist is on Friday and I'm really praying he has it all ready for me because with excessive grinding, my TMJ tightens up and I end up with headaches throughout the day. And yes, that gets me tired, on top of the various things that's been happening.

One thing that really impacts me more and more is how the social economic classes here in Peru are so marked. Mentalities and ways of thinking are so extreme, it's absolutely crazy to me to try to comprehend how it's possible that one section of society can be so well educated and cultured and the other section completely the opposite. During sessions of counseling and discipling, I realized that the lower economic class had the erroneous thinking of what constitutes being a part of the higher economic class and one of them is that legal marriage is only for the rich. The poor co-habit. They don't even realize it's a sin. The other is, if you're born in the slums, you belong to the slums and you do not try to get out of there because you'd better not think that you are better than your family and your peers and you find someone to marry within the same social class. 

With the same erroneous thinking and habits handed down from generations to generations as well as accepting behaviours that are unacceptable, the lower economic class have formed a culture all of their own, creating their own truths and beliefs that can only be transformed by the constant washing of the Word of God and a lot of patience. We have found ourselves teaching parents how to parent, to not just hit out of anger and impatience but to discipline, instruct and educate their children with consistent correction, love and affirmation. We have had to teach the children and the parents that it's not acceptable to hit each other; the children their parents and vice versa; that it's not okay for children to get what they want all the time just because they have temper tantrums. We are constantly teaching the adults and children about the magic words. No one in the lower economic classes know what they are nor how to use them. 

One of the little girls whose mom we are teaching the Word of God to is learning how to use the magic words and her mom proudly tells me that she's using them quite a bit. I'm proud of her. We also tell her and her mom that they're beautiful and that they can achieve greater things than what they think they're limited to. Today, we counseled a young couple and we're doing discipling/marriage counseling with them. It somehow evolved that way. After listening to them today, I asked if they used the magic words while asking each other to do stuff. They both stopped in mid-sentence and stared at me, as if there truly were "magic" words. I had to explain that those words are "please" and "thank you". And they're learning, bit by bit, to ask for forgiveness, to affirm someone, to learn to take responsibility and admit fault. It's a huge step.

Parents learn from their parents who learned from their grandparents and even though each generation talks about abuse, lack of love, rejection, etc, and holding onto resentment that their parents did not treat them well, they themselves have never attempted to try to break the chain. And so it keeps going on. When we told one mother that if a child is left undisciplined and allowed to do whatever he/she pleased and never learned the consequences to his/her behaviour because the parents constantly cover up for him/her; when the child grows up, they will think they can break the law, cheat on their spouse, abandon their kids, do drugs, etc because every time they had done something unacceptable when young, it was allowed and they had never been taught it was wrong, she was absolutely shocked. She said she had no idea that there was a correlation between disciplining kids, teaching them to obey and be kind, loving and to share and not be selfish to how they would turn out eventually as adults. 

Lack of education. Ignorance. The Word says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." It is so true. Generations after generations stagnate; live in cycles of pain, trauma and abuse, impeded by wrong mindsets and a lack of knowledge. We have to keep reminding them every time we see them of who they are in Christ. It is easy for them to spout off John 1:12 but it is another thing for them to believe it in their minds and hearts so that it becomes the pivotal point on which they think from. I recently used the real life story of Prince William marrying Kate Middleton, a commoner not of royal blood, to help one of our friends understand who she is. She had no idea who they are but she was absolutely amazed that a prince could marry a commoner. We constantly have to wash their mindsets with the truth of the Word of God. 

It takes patience. Even she said that to us, "You guys really have a lot of patience with me."  We tell her that we want her to realize that God is very patient with her and if we can show it a little through how we are with her, then it is our hope that she can understand how much more patient, understanding and loving He is towards her. We recently asked her who God is to her. Her answer showed us that she was taking heed, learning and absorbing the Word of God. We couldn't be happier. If it takes only one person to be completely transformed by the Word of God to be able to break the lies of the enemy in the mindsets of generations, 

It is worth it. 

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