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Sunday, December 26, 2010

To Sing From The Depths of My Soul Because He Never Lets Go of Me

The last week has been an awesome time in my spiritual and prophetic growth here. I am realizing  how I can walk in Kingdom authority and receive the supernaturalness of God for what is in the here and now. I am learning from others who have walked as such, to be able to apply Kingdom truths to the situations here to walk in the victory we are supposed to walk in. For too long I have hidden who I am, put away the prophetic and supernaturalness of God in me because of not wanting to make waves or rock the boat because others whom I hang around do not wish to pursue that in the Lord. But then, a lion cannot pretend that it is a cat and neither can I pretend anymore that I am not prophetic and walk in Kingdom authority.

I have seen how High Praises and Worship can change and transform atmospheres in this last week, I have seen how God who honours our heart when it seeks hard after Him, will provide what and who we need at the time when we need them. He has given me precise Words to battle with, to claim His promises on, to stand firm on and to know without a shadow of a doubt that when He calls us to do what He wants us to do and we follow hard after Him, the blessings and the victory of the Kingdom cannot help but overtake us. These last two days of deep prophetic worship and intercession has done so much more for me than anything I could have ever done ministry wise. 

I am more in love with my Lord than ever. And it has nothing to do with the pagan celebration of Yule that is being celebrated this time of year. I do not celebrate Christmas as I do not believe that was the time when Yeshua was born but rather a pagan festival that the Roman Catholics have put in place to replace the pagan festival of Winter Solstice (Jeremiah 10:1-5). I am absolutely grateful for God sending His Son to earth as man incarnate but the time of His human birth would have been in October, not in December. But I will use whatever time and season of the year to worship my Lord wherever I am and that is what we did, my friend and I, worshipping deeply and staying in His presence as we celebrated Shabbat and then the supernaturalness of the Lord as God and Man when he walked the earth as Yeshua. I love the presence of the Lord when he meets with us, I love the knowing that He is in control and there is nothing we need to worry about, that He holds us in the palm of His righteous right hand, that unless He permits nothing can and will harm us as we walk in the shadow of His wings. 

And that, is the authority I have in Him, the complete security that I am walking in His Kingdom authority and that because of He who is in me, nothing can stand in the way of what He wants me to do and where He wants me to go and who He brings around me. Who can come against me if He, the Lord is for me?

My heart bursts in overwhelming gratitude for Him, for what He did for me on the cross and how He conquered death in His resurrection so that I too can conquer death to have eternal life in Him. I am His and He is mine.

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