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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I think....

I am definitely in need of a holiday, at least some form or semblance of one if I am unable to go the whole nine yards and take a proper real all inclusive vacation. Imagine, if you will....the existence of an actual bath tub in my bathroom, filled to the brim with hot, hot water scented with coconut and lime bubble bath with scented lit candles everywhere and Josh Groban or Andrea Bocelli playing in the background and I'm eating a really yummy creamcheese frosted chocolate cake while soaking blissfully in the tub. So simple. Yet impossible to attain all because I have no bath tub. Sighhhhh....

Lacking basics that I am used to having about 5 years ago is haunting me now. Stressed out of my mind, wanting to just be and not have to think anymore, to stop worrying for once about what I have to do next and make all decisions without having anyone to go to who can actually understand me and how I relate to the Lord and the vision is slowing turning me into a basketcase.  I am frustrated, absolutely tired for lack of sleep and would just like that someone could be on my same wavelength. And so I plod on, because I don't know how to give up and neither do I want to do that.

My pleasure at this point is watching my dogs interact and realizing that with care, proper nutrition and lots of love, even a dog that has spent most of its life on the streets and which had lost copious amounts of fur off its body can be rehabilitated to look really good with shiny thick fur and become amazingly confident and at peace. It makes me think that if this can happen with a dog, what more with a human being and it gives me hope to know that this ministry is set up to do just that, to love and care for those who like my dog, Maddy, have been left to fend for themselves out there on their own. 

So, bath tub or not, holiday not withstanding, I will keep going, barring frustrations and all, because with lots of prayer; faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and a trust that He has gone before me; I know that this vision of His will come to pass. Although I am thinking that a night or two in a hotel in Miraflores might not be such a bad idea come end of January....

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